26 Jun West Ave Project will Continue through Resilience Accelerator
Attention Miami Beach Residents: West Ave will go forward, not south.
The West Avenue Neighborhood Improvement Project, which is one of the projects that has been on hold while Miami Beach “reorients” its resiliency program, will proceed via The Resilience Accelerator, a joint project of 100 Resilient Cities and Columbia University. Though the Accelerator is a competitive grant program, Greater Miami and the Beaches were chosen to participate directly and the City of Miami Beach specifically for the West Avenue Project.
In a Letter to Commission, City Manager Jimmy Morales said, “The Resiliency Accelerator will use an interdisciplinary approach to holistically integrate grey and green infrastructure and identify larger co-benefits that are consistent with the ULI and Harvard recommendations” released in April to help the City identify enhancements to its resiliency program.