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Our Work

Resilience Timeline
Resilience Strategy

Cities face a growing range of adversities and challenges in the 21st century. From the effects of climate change and growing migrant populations to inadequate infrastructure, pandemics and cyber-attacks. Resilience is what helps cities adapt and transform in the face of these challenges, helping them to prepare for both the expected and the unexpected.


With the goal of developing a comprehensive resilience strategy plan, the Resilient 305 team engaged community members across the Greater Miami & Beaches region and asked them to tell us what they felt the region’s biggest challenges and opportunities  were.


During this time, over 2000 people gave us their feedback on topics ranging from affordable housing and mobility to income inequality and climate change and other challenges.


We then got to work, looking at ways to leverage the positive attributes and resources that the region has to offer to combat the various challenges we face today.   

Resilience Strategy

Cities face a growing range of adversities and challenges in the 21st century. From the effects of climate change and growing migrant populations to inadequate infrastructure, pandemics and cyber-attacks. Resilience is what helps cities adapt and transform in the face of these challenges, helping them to prepare for both the expected and the unexpected.


With the goal of developing a comprehensive resilience strategy plan, the Resilient 305 team engaged community members across the Greater Miami & Beaches region and asked them to tell us what they felt the region’s biggest challenges and opportunities  were.


During this time, over 2000 people gave us their feedback on topics ranging from affordable housing and mobility to income inequality and climate change and other challenges.


We then got to work, looking at ways to leverage the positive attributes and resources that the region has to offer to combat the various challenges we face today.   

As is the reality for most urban cores around the world, Miami-Dade is vulnerable to the threat of various events which can sharply effect the day-to-day of the region’s people, businesses and infrastructure. A hurricane, economic downfall, infrastructure failure, health epidemic, or mass migration are just a few examples of life-altering incidents that can bring the community to a halt.


By securing the areas in which live,work prosper, we can ensure that the community will bounce back and flourish as quickly as possible.

Resilience Opportunities