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Florida Influencers: Teacher pay ranks as top education issue of 2018
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Florida Influencers: Teacher pay ranks as top education issue of 2018

Listen up: Teachers in Florida earn nearly $10,000 below the national average. How are candidates running for office focusing on policy issues?  

Raising salaries for the tens of thousands of K-12 public school teachers across Florida is the most pressing education issue political candidates running for office in 2018 should focus on.

That’s according to the latest survey of the Florida Influencers — a group of 50 of the state’s leading voices in the political, business, academic and faith communities. Asked by the Miami Herald, Bradenton Herald and el Nuevo Herald to rank six education issues by order of importance, nearly six-in-10 of the Influencers put improving teacher pay at the top, while another quarter of respondents rated it second.